After the positive experience of last year, it is a pleasure to renew the collaboration with Labirinti Armonici for the New Year’s concert, which is confirmed as a proposal appreciated by the public. To the performances at the theaters of Schio (VI) and Borgo Valsugana (TN), for the transition from 2019 to 2020 are added those of Mori and Arco, both in Trentino.
For myself, these are two new locations particularly welcome for the history that these places emanate.
The “Gustavo Modena” Theater in Mori is a jewel of the nineteenth-century of 300 seats; the acoustics are very happy and the municipal administration is seriously engaged in a cultural policy that I like to share: two excellent reasons to accept the invitation.
In Arco, on the other hand, the concert will take place in the Austro-Hungarian Grand Hall of the municipal Casino, amid large chandeliers, stained glass windows and decorated walls: what better context to intone the Strauss Waltzes?
Finally, given the success and over-booking of last year, the Civic Theater of Schio doubles the performances: one at 17:00 and one at 21:00, on the last Sunday of 2019.